Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Kiki Magazine - For Tweens Developing Their Own Style

I mentioned on a previous blog that the new tween magazine, Kiki, is launching. According to their website, it's now available and they've also posted their writers' guidelines.

I blogged about it previously - but I want to clarify a comment I made that might be misleading. In my blog comment about the post, I said it would be nice if it had more than how-to-get-a-guy articles. I didn't mean to imply it had those articles - just that it will be great to have a magazine that has more substance.

In fact their letter to parents clearly says they have no guy-oriented or sexualized stories at all. According to their website:

"Kiki has a unique point of view. It takes the college fashion design curriculum and tailors it to a reader 9 to 14 years old. Through the lens of fashion, Kiki encourages girls to explore other disciplines (business, geography, fine art, craft, history, world culture, even math) and shows them that having fun with style and artistry is completely compatible with intelligence and creativity."

So no fluff stories at all. No boys, gossip, or overly mature themes.

All I can say is it's about time.

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