Thursday, September 13, 2007

Chase the Dream Contest

Authors Leigh Michaels and Rachelle Chase are sponsoring the "Chase the Dream Contest" for writers. The rules say submit the first 1,000 words of your romance, chick lit, or mainstream novel/novella with romantic elements.

Submit your entries between September 1 and November 20, 2007. Staring on September 18, 2007, each Tuesday a finalist will be selected from that week's entries and posted on the finalist page. She will also select a non-winning entry each week for a mini-critique and post it on their mini-critique page.

Between November 21 and November 30, visitors will vote for their top three finalists. In addition to winning prizes, the top three authors will have their 1,000 words reviewed by panel experts - agents and editors. Several books from last year's contest have since been published.

I made a humble 1,000 word submission of my paranormal book with romantic elements, Zombies Are Forever. Manolo was very helful and supportive during its creation. Good luck to all who enter. If you get posted, leave a comment so we can check out your entry.

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