Saturday, January 19, 2008

Jane Austen T-shirts and Northanger Abbey

Greetings to all Austinites. If you are as immersed in Jane as I and watching Masterpiece Theater's Complete Jane Austen, check out these great T-shirts with Jane Austen quotes.

I must have the one that says, "I am excessively diverted." Although "Obstinate, headstrong girl!" does have its appeal.

This wall calendar isn't bad either if you haven't picked one up yet for this year.

Northanger Abbey was on last night, and I must say I was excessively diverted. Felicity Jones was perfect as Catherine Morland. She was very young, very charming, and very caught up in her novels. I loved her dream sequences where she swoons- funny stuff. She came off as genuine rather than flighty.

I also appreciated the way Austen pokes light at the romance novels of the time, but also points out some things are worse than ghosts and lunatics locked up in secret room (forgive me, Jane Eyre). Like evil fathers who stand in the way of true love! The vampire at Northanger Abbey (the Tilney patriarch) craves money instead of blood. Alas, real life is sometimes far more sordid than a novel.


Anonymous said...

Gah! I forgot to watch last night!!!

zeldadg said...

They might show it again Wednesday. They have been on my PBS station.