Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Literary Agency Contest: Book in a Nutshell

 The Knight Agency is hosting a contest for every writer who has a complete, unpublished manuscript.

Sum up your soon-to-be-bestseller in three riveting sentences (150 word maximum), and you might win a perusal of your manuscript by one of their agents. Twenty winners will be selected. Email your entry to: submissions @ knightagency.net (delete spaces). BOOK IN A NUTSHELL must be the subject line for your submission to be eligible. The deadline is April 20, 2009.

Check out the genres they rep books in, and here's their client list so you can see some of the big names they work with.

Great opportunity. No drinking yourself insensible on vodka because your query letter isn't measuring up. Just craft three simple sentences. Moohoohahaha. I know, I know. Where's the Smirnoffs.


K said...

Thank you for posting such useful information and keeping us all up to date on what's available out there!

zeldadg said...

Glad I can help. It's a nice, short contest. Maybe is won't take more than 1/2 a bottle :)