Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Live from Novels in Progress Workshop

Wow, what a week. I'm immersed in a week-long workshop called Novels in Progress in Louisville, KY. So far, I have boiled my novel down to 3 sentences. No small feat. But I did it. I've have my first 50 pages critiqued and received great feedback. I've attended workshops on dialog, POV (and I learned the POV that I'm using is spot-on for my novel), rewriting strategies, and plotting essentials. WHEW!

This afternoon I'm off to a workshop on writing query letters and synopses and tonight I have a peer critique with three other workshoppers and our faculty mentor. Plus we're having a pizza party tonight to get us past the mid-week hump.

AWESOME stuff. And I have to hand it to Jeff Yocom, the Conference Planning Chair--they know how to do it right.

This is all leadng up to a pitch session on Saturday with agents and editors.

I'll check in later.

1 comment:

zeldadg said...

Thanks for posting about the workshop. Now come home and rip up my manuscript for me!

It sounds like you've achieved much already, and it's only Wednesday. Keep up the good work. I shall sit at your feet and learn when you get back.