Want to get serious about your writing? See this class announcement from Cathering Rankovic. (All bolding is mine).
INTRODUCTION TO CREATIVE WRITING – University College at Washington University in St. LouisU11 EComp 225 Fall 2008 Thursdays, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Instructor: Catherine Rankovic, M.A., M.F.A. Phone: W (314) 935-4807; H (636) 587-2257 E-mail: clrankov@wustl.edu
This course introduces and explores three types of creative writing -- poetry, short fiction and the writing of personal essays -- through studies and writings in each genre. Each genre is given equal time and weight. This course is for people who want to try out creative writing in general, or creative genres they've never written in before. You do not need experience in creative writing or a degree in literature. But competence in writing plain English, and an above-average desire to do so, are expected.
You will need time during the week to do the homework assignments. Consider whether you can give your writing class four to six outside-of-class hours per week, because the one thing every writer quickly learns is that writing takes time. Otherwise we begin study of the language's artistic possibilities -- "creative writing" -- from square one.
Our work consists of: -Some self-exploration. (Who are you, and what might you write about?)-Readings in literature and in handbook-type material.-Discussion and evaluation of readings.-Acquiring the vocabulary, habits and techniques common to creative writers.-Writing exercises, in class and as homework.-Reading and evaluating your own and others' work.-Revising and polishing your writing.-Developing a writer's approach to reading and writing.-Possible visits by and talks with guest writers.
This is an introductory course, so we will not be delving into highly specialized writing fields such as horror fiction, performance art, songwriting or screenwriting. This course focuses on producing literature for a general reading audience -- and this experience will help you no matter what kind of writing you wish ultimately to do. 15 weeks, beginning August 28, 2008. Tuition: $1,485; Over age 60: $742.50
To register: to go http://ucollege.wustl.edu, click on Courses and Registration button; course is titled EComp 225 (U11-225), Introduction to Creative Writing.Email the instructor with any questions at clrankov@wustl.edu
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