Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Next Great Writer Contest and Revision Update

Zombies Are Forever Update: Pages revised so far - 86

I've decided to submit my first three chapters of Zombies to "The Strongest Start Novel Competition" over at The Next Big Writer.  (Please don't confuse this with The Next Big Author, which looks a bit dodgy.)

The Next Big Writer is basically a critique website sponsored by self-publishing website Createspace, which is Amazon's we'll-help-you-self-publish company for print books. You pay a few bucks a month to join, you post your first chapter for free, and then you have to earn enough credits reviewing to post more of your work. Then it is critiqued, everyone is happy, and the rainbows and unicorns come out, tra la la.

If you look at my blog title, you know I am no stranger to critique, but it's been awhile. I am half afraid I will be a sniffling mess at the first feedback. I'll get over it.

Why am I entering a contest for a pay website?
  1. The worst thing that can happen is I get some feedback on my first draft of Zombies Are Forever. Critique from readers is a valuable thing.
  2. There are lots of great writers out there, so while I may not win, place or show, I do hope to get the word out about Zombies Are Forever and maybe entice a few readers to come check it out once I publish it in Septemeber. There is also a page with links to books that have been workshopped on The Next Big Writer. Not sure what you have to do to get on it, but it's another opportunity for visibility.
  3. I miss reviewing and seeing how other people build their books. My full-time job keeps me from it during the day, but online critique is anytime.
  4. If by some chance the fates align and I win or place as one of the 3 runners up, I get free help publishing my book, which includes copyediting. I'll be paying for that one way or another.
So, that is my diabolical plan. I signed up for a 3 month membership that costs $14.95. We shall see if it turns out to be worth it.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Tricia--Good luck in placing.

Ann Summerville said...

That sounds like a great idea. Do you have any critique/writing groups in your area? I've found that reading in front of other writers helps a great deal with critique. We have a great one here in the Fort Worth area.

zeldadg said...

Thanks, Sioux.

I am "getting the band back together" with my critique group, so I should be back in the game soon.

I agree - reading out loud is extremely helpful when doing critique. Just sometimes painful as hell lol

Ripley Patton said...

Read your first chapter sub on The Next Big Writer (and you read mine- Ghost Hand). I am trying to gather a small crew of YA up-and-comers to maybe do a group blog together or just spur one another on to greatness. You interested? If so, e-mail me at ripleypatton(at)gmail(dot)com.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Also, if you give your novel more tags (like Young adult, zombie, etc) you may get more reviews and hits. I had a little trouble finding it because it was only tagged with the competition tag.