Alice is always on the move, and her spectacular writing, editing, and photography skills are in great demand. She has been a treasured member of Coffee and Critique since its beginning. Her sweet and funny stories warm our hearts and tickle our funny bones.
Earlier this summer I was able to get her to slow down a few minutes to answer my interview questions.
1. What inspired you to become a writer?
Growing up, I enjoyed creating silly ditties for family and friends. I also kept a notebook filled with humorous sayings. After my kids were born, I continued to jot down silly stuff they said and did. To this day I use it against them when they complain about their own offspring.
What is your writing specialty?
While most of my writing buddies are liars and
murderers (they write fiction), I pen mainly personal essays. My year-long
battle with breast cancer also netted me a memoir that I readily share with
women fighting the same battle.
3 How
would you describe your writing process?
writing is totally dependent upon my mood. If creativity strikes, I can whip
out a story in no time. I’ve also been known to capture ideas on napkins,
receipts or scraps of paper to be used later. The weather plays a big part. If
it’s pretty (or not), I’m outside. For me, the hardest part of writing is to
sit down at my computer. Family and friends call it ADHD, but they’re just
jealous of my ability to multi-task.
What is the best part of being a writer? What is the worst
part of being a writer?
Capturing memories that take me back to a special place and time. Rereading old
journals and being able to recall every vivid detail comes in handy, especially
now that I have trouble remembering yesterday.
Worst: Finding
out the fabulous story you submitted didn’t make the cut. I try using Scarlett
O’Hara’s motto, “Tomorrow’s another day.”
5. What
is the best writing advice you’ve received? The worst?
Polish, polish, polish.
Suggestions to change my style of writing or take out all the parts of the story that make it me. An author needs to
listen to constructive criticism, but she must also remember to remain true to
6. Which
books on writing can you recommend for other writers?
7. How
has belonging to Coffee and Critique affected you as a writer?
My writing
group is the best. Some of us have been together for years. We’d recognize each
other’s masterpiece even without a name on the paper. Having others critique my
work makes my stories so much more powerful—adding a stronger verb, deleting
repetitive words, filling in the blanks all make a huge impact on a short
My breast
cancer essays are special to me. Knowing my published stories are being read by
other women fighting cancer makes me feel like I’m right there offering my sisters love, laughter, and support.
9. What three words best describe you?
husband’s description would be: hyper, hyper and hyper. Mine would be happy, humorous and maybe a
little hyper.
10. What
is your writing dream?
like to publish my breast cancer memoir one day. I’d also enjoy writing a
weekly column (read all over the world, of course).
interview Erma Bombeck and ask her two questions. Did your family actually read
your articles? If so, did they hold it against you for poking fun at them?
More about Alice:
Muschany recently retired from her day job after 43 years of blood, sweat and
tears. She now works even harder flitting from one grandchild’s event to the
next, but she wouldn’t miss it for the world. Her eight grandchildren, along
with her husband and best friend, make wonderful (but not willing) subjects for
her camera and her stories. In her spare time she hikes, swims, and rides the
Katy Trail for enjoyment (and peace and quiet).
Her essays
have been published in Cup of Comfort,
Chicken Soup, and Not Your Mother’s Book. One of her stories will appear in Gloria
Gayner’s “How We Survived” anthology. She is also currently an Opinion Shaper for the Suburban Journals.
Hi Alice! I think I pretty much knew all this about you, but it was fun to read. Great questions and answers. And I wouldn't call you "hyper." You're just full of energy!!
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