Friday, May 17, 2013

Take Ten with Coffee and Critique - First Up, Doyle Suit

Take Ten with Coffee and Critique is a new feature intended to highlight the writers who belong to the Coffee and Critique group and to share some of their writing wisdom.

The Take Ten feature includes an introduction and a bio of the member, followed by an interview with ten questions, plus one bonus question.

First up is Doyle Suit, interviewed by Donna Volkenannt.

Doyle is a cherished and loyal member of C&C. He has belonged to C&C since the group's founding in 2007 by Donna Volkenannt and Lou Turner

Introduction: We can always rely on Doyle to share a great story and give insightful and thorough critiques. Friendly and welcoming to all members, Doyle embodies the Coffee and Critique motto of being "candid but kind." 

Bio: Doyle and his lovely wife of a half century live in St. Charles, MO near their children and grandchildren. He and his wife play golf and bridge and enjoy bluegrass music. Doyle's stories appear in Cactus Country, Thin Threads, Our Favorite Pets, My Dad is my Hero, Bigfoot Confidential, Cuivre River Anthologies, and various magazines.
Interview: Here are Doyle Suit's Take Ten Q&A with Coffee and Critique:

1. What inspired you to become a writer?
Doyle:  I can’t pinpoint a single inspiration. A high school English teacher sparked my interest in literature. Failed attempts to write when I was younger made me want to improve my skills. Family members who were published encouraged me. Finally, writing technical proposals in the aircraft industry sounded like a good background for fiction writing. It didn't quite work that way.
2. What is your writing specialty?
Doyle: I write primarily novels and short stories, but occasionally I get sidetracked into writing memoirs, essays, articles, or even songs.
3 What is your writing process?

Doyle: I write almost every day and avoid detailed outlines. The seat of the pants method usually works for me. Deadlines tend to improve my efficiency.
4. What is the best part of being a writer? The worst part?
Doyle: The best part of being a writer is satisfying an itch to create stories. The worst part is waiting for a publisher to decide, or maybe it’s people who tell me writing is a nice hobby.
5. What is the best writing advice you’ve received?  The worst?
Doyle: The best advice I’ve received is to apply my butt to a chair and don’t let the truth get in the way of telling a good story. The worst is encouragement to write whatever I think will sell.
6. Which books on writing can you recommend for other writers?
Doyle: Numerous books can be helpful. My standbys are Plain English Handbook, Roget’s Thesaurus and The Elements of Style.
7. How has belonging to Coffee and Critique benefitted you?
Doyle: Constructive advice from talented writers at Coffee and Critique fostered discipline to pay attention to fundamentals and write about what’s important to me.
8. If you’ve been published or have won awards, which are the most special to you?
Doyle: I’m proud of all my publications and awards. Having my work included in My Dad is my Hero, Thin Threads, Cactus Country, Bigfoot Confidential, and Cuivre River Anthologies is special. My YA novel, Baker Mountain, will be published in the near future. First place award for Saturday Writers short story contest and Springfield Writers Guild Jim Stone Fiction Award grace the walls of my office.
9. What three words best describe you?
Doyle: Right-brained Engineer
10. What is your writing dream? 
Doyle: I want to publish work that entertains and reinforces values like self-reliance, honesty, thrift and respect for others. These were expected when I grew up. I fear they are not sufficiently emphasized in today’s world.
Bonus question: Anything you’d like to add?
Doyle: To those who suggest I’d be better served to do real work instead of writing stories, writing is work. I learned the hard way.
Thank you, Doyle, for giving us a glimpse into your writing world and for sharing your wisdom. 
To learn more about Doyle, visit his website


Sioux Roslawski said...

Donna--Great interview questions. I enjoyed getting a glimpse into the "inner workings" of Doyle, who is such a talented writer and a true gentleman...

Donna Volkenannt said...

Hi Sioux,
Thanks. Doyle truly is a gentleman.

Linda O'Connell said...

I met Doyle at SW and he seemed very nice, and I've read his work and know he is a talented writer. These interviews are going to be fun, Donna.

Donna Volkenannt said...

Thanks, Linda. It's true. Doyle is such a nice man and a talented writer.
One benefit of these interviews is that I'm learning new things about our members every time I interview one of them.

Margo Dill said...

Right brained engineer! I love it--that is the best description. I've had the pleasure of reading a lot of Doyle's work including his upcoming novel. I will be first in line to buy a signed copy. Keep the words coming, Doyle. (Love this idea, Donna!)

Donna Volkenannt said...

Thanks, Margo. I'll be right in line with you!!

Janet Bettag said...

Doyle,you have so much to offer the world. Please keep passing on your wisdom through your wonderful writing.

Alice said...

Donna, I enjoyed reading Doyle's words of wisdom. I'm a big fan of his writing. While I loved every chapter of his "Misspent Youth," his westerns are still my favorite. A very talented writer and a super nice guy. They don't make em like the used to. . .

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