Thanks to all our Coffee and Critique writers' group veterans, past and present.Thank you for the sacrifices you have made so the rest of us can enjoy our freedoms.
The following is the roll call of US Veterans who belong to Coffee and Critique writers' group who have honored us with their words, their wit, and their wisdom:
Nick Nixon (USMC, deceased)
Doyle Suit (US Army)
Bill Mueller (US Army)
Jack Zerr (US Navy)
Charles Rogers (USAF)
Les Thompson (US Navy)
Lonnie Whitaker (US Army)
Without your service we wouldn't be able to enjoy the liberties at our critique group, including:
* The right to assemble (every Tuesday for two hours and sometimes for lunch afterwards).
* The right of self-expression during our critiques (as long as they don't exceed two minutes).
* The freedom to write without fear or intimidation, (as long as we don't exceed our five, double-spaced page limit with one inch margins all around in Times New Roman or a similar font). ;-)
* The right to read our works and receive generous feedback from everyone present.